lundi 8 septembre 2008

Wine tasting: Les Copains D'abord

There seems to be no AOC. All I can find is Vin Rouge de Loire.
Groslot and Cabernet from 2007.
Almost briny smell to begin with (playdough ??? I know it's wierd, but sometimes there is a natural smell that makes me think of playdough). After a couple minutes, some kind of menthol comes out. Something rubber like in the smell. This isn't sounding appetizing is it, but it doesn't smell bad ... just very different. I'm almost afraid to drink it. I went ate a bit of bread to clear out my mouth and came back. The wine is very cloudy. My mouth is a bit numb. I've been sucking on a fake cigarette all afternoon, so there's still a bit of mint in mouth. That's why I went for the bread.
I put my nose in and take it out. The wine is cloudy, they've skipped some filtering. I finally take a sip, but while I'm writing this which is stupid, because then I'm not thinking about what I'm tasting. Just a little sip, and I don't even know what happened. I try again and concentrate a bit more. Not much in the mouth, but the aftertaste is fascinating, thought it leaves quickly. There is not a lot of fruit, but what there is seems to come out afterward. Well that wasn't a great description, but I'm gonna start working on that.
Sorry if you keep seeing me in the same shirt ;-) I'm not that dirty, it's just that I always have my work clothes (read shirt and tie) on during the day, so I tend to wear the same normal shirt any number of days in a row. Well I have to admit, that I'm not that impressed by the wine after the bombs that I've been tasting for the last few days. I'll have to get more of them and write about them here. So in fact, what am I writing about here? Well anything and everything that goes through my mind. Massage, masturbation, wine tasting, personal hygiene. Whatever fits on the page will be written. That's why there's the adult warning, mainly because I'm not sure, so I prefer to keep it safe. Sometimes there may be poems ... I'll just have to see how things pan out. I'm working on my long lost mojo. Buried somewhere deep in my mind. The only road to freedom are the cramps in my fingers. I'm still trying to figure out who I want this open to. Anyone, I guess, except the people I know, but then I can't be bothered to hide myself either, so I won't.

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